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Kanye West has expressed an interest in fashion

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, March 7, 2011 | , ,


Although Kanye West has expressed an interest in fashion, he's not ready to get schooled in it. After the rapper was spotted at London's Central Saint Martins College last week, rumors began
to circulate that Mr. West was there to apply for a master's degree in fashion. But a rep for the college denies the reports.

"Kanye West has not applied for a place on M.A. Fashion at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. He visited the college last week on unrelated matters," Jo Ortmans, the university's Press Officer, told PopEater in an e-mail.

Ortmans would not comment on the real reason West was visiting the university.

Sources told U.K.'s The Sun that West reportedly met with Professor Louise Wilson, whose previous students include some of Britain's most well-known designers including the late Alexander McQueen.

"Kanye spends a lot of time with fashion students and often hooks up with Central's arty pupils when he is in London," the sources said, adding CSM is reportedly one of the toughest schools around to get into.

West does have some work experience at Fendi and Louis Vuitton, but even that wouldn't be enough for him to secure a place in the master's program, the sources told the newspaper.

West -- who likely doesn't need a degree to start a fashion line anyway -- has been in Paris taking in every Fashion Week show from Givenchy to Vivienne Westwood.

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