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Louis Farrakhan Calls Rihanna's Performance 'Filthy' and Her Fans (Swine)

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, March 2, 2011 | , ,


Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan is famous for his outspoken ideals on politics and current events, but these days the controversial Muslim speaker has a bone to pick with an unlikely target: Rihanna.

Farrakhan, who delivered his annual Savior's Day Speech near Chicago on Sunday (Feb. 27), blasted the pop star for her scantily clad style of dress and sexually suggestive dance moves, writing her off as "filthy" and calling her fans "swine," a term which he also reserved for gays and lesbians.

Not one to keep her mouth closed, Rihanna quickly responded to Farrakhan's rants. "A minister says I perform filthy,sat+watched the filth,then called u SWINE for doin the same! Haa, Is that judgment in ur tone?" she tweeted on Monday. "I certainly don't think u are swine! But a holy man of God does!!!"

During his speech, held at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Ill., the 77-year-old also praised Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard for creating the religion to "civilize white people," and discussed his longstanding friendship with Libyan leader Muammar el-Qaddafi. Farrakhan vowed to stick by him in light of his alleged crimes against humanity, as citizens in his country are calling for him to step down.

While Qaddafi remains the forefront of the uprising in the North African country, singers Beyonce, Mariah Carey and Usher have all been pressured to return funds received from the leader for past performances. Nelly Furtado has announced that she will give the $1 million she received for performing for Qaddafi's family to charity.

In the past, Farrakhan has had a good standing rapport with several members of the hip-hop and entertainment community, embracing the likes of Snoop Dogg, Russell Simmons and Wyclef Jean

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