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Oscar stars compete for the most beautiful dress (photos)

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, February 28, 2011 | , ,


Although the night of Oscar concentrated on will receive the award, but the Hollywood stars they could easily Iktefn lights Btalathn Vsatenhen beautiful and elegant, to move the competition to

another level and indirectly on the sweeter dresses that appeared in the technical excellence that night. 

For the year 83, respectively, continue the great tradition to honor the film production; where he witnessed the February 27, 2011, the Oscars in Los Angeles, and the results according to expectations winning film "The king's speech The King's Speech" the best movie hero Colin Firth  best actor, and Natalie Portman, best actress for her role in the film "Black Swan Black." Swan 

As usual, Hollywood stars impressed viewers around the world Bdjulhn Theatre on the red carpet, and the games between the colors, note that Black was the least popular colors this year; abounded with light Like the white dresses and silver and gold. 

The photographs show the dresses of both Portman - winning the Best Actress Award, which received criticism about her dress (the design Roudart); where newspapers forecast foreign technical issued Monday morning, they will choose the dress more elegant view of the expectations of the powerful, which preceded the ceremony, beating, and reared her colleague Scarlett Johansson dress Purple Beaded the signing of the fashion house "Dolshh & Gabbana." 
The red color was visible strongly; resorted to where each of Sandra Bullock, Penelope Cruz, and an introduction ceremony, Anne Hathaway. 

And was able to miles Konis that draws attention resolutely "Elie Saab", along with Nicole Kidman, who bounced back by Christian Dior, Gwyneth Paltrow, which reared dress by "Calvin Klein", and appear in the image itself winning the Best Actress Award secondary Melissa Leo (The Fighter ). 
The black color selection of both Reese Witherspoon and Sharon Stone and "Annette Pinig." 
We leave you with the following images and the option you choose the sweetest dress








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