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( Slumdog Millionaire ) Star Loses Home in Fire

By Unknown | 1 Comments | Tuesday, March 8, 2011 | ,


'Slumdog Millionaire' star Rubina Ali's family home has reportedly been destroyed by a fire. reports that Ali, 12, and her family have been left homeless after a fire blazed
through the slums of Mumbai on Friday night. The fire left 21 people injured and more than 2,000 homeless.

Ali, who played the young Latika in the movie, is quoted saying, "We all were at home watching TV when a neighbor came to alert us about the fire. We all rushed out. We spent the entire night at the railway station. So far nobody has come to help us."

Ali goes on, "I have lost everything, including books and precious belongings like awards, photographs, newspaper clippings and memorabilia from the success of the film."

'Slumdog' director Danny Boyle had set up a trust fund to help some of the young actors in the film. Boyle had used children from the slums as actors in the movie.

CNN is reporting that Ali's father Rafiq Qureshi said they planned to move into a new home provided by the trust next month and the family were staying in the slums, while in transit.

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1 comments for "( Slumdog Millionaire ) Star Loses Home in Fire"

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April 24, 2011 at 8:41 AM

Slum Dog Millionaire was a big hit, but the stars performed got less attention after a passage of time and they children performed in it are not millionaires. Will the producer who mint money from the success look into it.

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