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Charlie Sheen Has Track Record of Dead Pets

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, April 11, 2011 | , ,

Charlie Sheen, the formerly winning "warlock," is still on a rampage with ex-wife Denise Richards, saying he will keep trashing her during his stage show until the actress returns the dogs he has
accused her of stealing. However, a source with direct knowledge of the situation says Denise will never return the pets because she claims at least one dog and two lizards have died under his supervision in the past.

"You can trash Denise all you want, but one thing you can't say is that she doesn't love and care for her animals," a friend of the former sitcom star tells me. "These poor dogs were in a terrible condition when he gave them back to her."

As was previously reported, Charlie returned two pugs to Denise, but one of them died of malnutrition. Now, he wants the surviving dog back to be his companion on his tour bus. Denise, of course, has declined. During a Cleveland performance of his 'Torpedo of Truth' tour, Charlie led the audience in a chant of "f**k that b***h" aimed at Denise.

My well-placed source also delivers the shocking claim that Charlie is at least partly responsible for the deaths of two prized lizards as well at the now-Sober Valley Ranch.

"His Chinese water dragon died because he didn't take care of it and a while back, when he was married to Brooke, his bearded dragon fell in the pool and died," my source says. "Again nobody was watching the poor thing."

This latest attack on Denise comes after months of name-calling, public verbal abuse and ugly emails. All because Denise refused to allow her daughters, who she has full custody of, to be part of a Dateline special where Charlie wanted to show what a great parent he was after his twin sons got removed from his home.

"I know Denise well and if Charlie wants to continue slamming her in his show that's his choice. She is not backing down," a friend of Charlie's tells me. "What's amazing is how little regard he has for how this affects his children."

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