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Sarah Ferguson Told to 'Disappear' on Royal Wedding Day

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Friday, April 29, 2011 | ,

It's bad enough that Sarah Ferguson, The Duchess of York, did not receive an invite to the Royal wedding, but now to add insult to injury the Royal black sheep has been asked to keep a low profile on the very special day.

"The last thing the family wants is a picture of Sarah in a bikini on a beach popping up the day of the wedding or even worst mopping around by herself while everyone else is celebrating," a friend of Sarah's tells me. "They have basically told her to disappear and not be any distraction to the big day."

Sarah, whose most recent scandal involved being caught trying to sell media access to her ex-husband, Prince Andrew, has been busy working on a new show, 'Finding Sarah,' for Oprah's OWN channel. But despite her hard work, the Royals have made it clear they are in no mood to forgive.

The Duchess has not returned emails requesting comment. Has she gone underground already?

"Not inviting Sarah to the wedding is such a big mistake," the confidante tells me. "What's going to happen in a few years when her daughters get married? Are they going to try and ban their mother from attending their wedding because the Queen will be attending?"

Sarah is the first to admit she's made a big mistake and my insider observes that "if a wedding isn't a time for a family to set aside past problems and come together, then I don't know what is."

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