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Actor Daniel Von Bargen’s 911 Call After Shooting Himself Is Not Recommended Listening

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, February 23, 2012 | ,

Daniel von Bargen, 61, a character actor most known for playing Mr. Kruger on Seinfeld and Chief Grady in Super Troopers, is in critical condition in a Cincinatti hospital after shooting himself in the head on Monday. This is sad news in and of itself, of course. But what’s making it even sadder is the six-minute-plus 911 call TMZ obtained. We would really, really like to unhear it now.

To spare you from the same, we’ll just recap it right here and then you can avoid it at all costs: Von Bargen says he shot himself in the temple with a 38, five to 10 minutes before calling. The operator asks a number of questions and apparently wants to keep him talking until the EMTs get there. Von Bargen says he won’t be able to get to the door and he can’t open his eyes. He admits to shooting himself on purpose because he was supposed to go to the hospital where they were going to remove “at least” a few toes. He is a diabetic and “not a good one.” His other leg has already been amputated and he sounds depressed about having no children or life. The police arrive and first make sure that he does not have his hands near the gun. Then the call ends. We’ll keep you updated on news of his condition. 

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