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Angelina Jolie Writes Foreword For Billy Bob Thornton's Memoir

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Friday, February 24, 2012 | , ,

A tell-all memoir is enough to make anyone who's associated with its author cringe, but Angelina Jolie has apparently given ex-husband Billy Bob Thornton her blessing. A publicist for HarperCollins confirmed to US Weekly that the actress has written the foreword for 56-year-old Thornton's gushy new book, "The Billy Bob Tapes: A Cave Full of Ghosts," out on stands May 15th.

The new book by the "Sling Blade" director is described as "spinning colorful tales of [Thornton's] modest (to say the least) Southern upbringing, his bizarre phobias (komoda dragons?), his life, his loves (including his heartbreakingly brief marriage to fellow Oscar winner Angelina Jolie), and, of course, his movie career."

While Jolie recently said she saves her "bad side" for current beau Brad Pitt, with whom she has six children, the 36-year-old is known for having projected a darker public image in the past. Jolie and Thornton drew media attention when they admitted to wearing each others' blood in vial necklaces and purchasing matching grave plots. Jolie and Thornton were married from 2000 to 2003.


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