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Jennifer Aniston Talks Justin Theroux On 'G.M.A' (VIDEO)

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, February 21, 2012 | , ,

Jennifer Aniston doesn't usually reveal many details when it comes to her personal life, but the "Wanderlust" actress did set one thing straight about her relationship with Justin Theroux in an interview with "Good Morning America" on Monday.

Rumors have been swirling for many months that the co-stars first got together while filming "Wanderlust" -- and while Theroux was still with his ex-girlfriend -- but Aniston said those stories just aren't true.

"Nothing happened on that movie ... it's a rumor," she said in the interview. "It's the easy rumor, but nothing happened. We were just friends."

Aniston added that she and Theroux have known each other for a long time, and that, yes, he's really cute and a great actor.

But that's all that the actress would spill about her beau, in this interview at least. We're sure she's happy to clear up any rumors surrounding their relationship, and it seems that setting the record straight is something she's had a lot of practice doing lately.

"I'm not having triplets," she said in the March issue of GQ, putting to rest the weekly rumors that's she's pregnant. "Not having twins. Nor am I having one baby. [Lifts up sweater and gestures to belly; it appears flat.] I did not elope."

Aniston added, "The one time I do say, 'Yes! I'm pregnant!' they'll be like, 'Pfft. Right.'"

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