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Miranda Lambert on Chris Brown: 'Beating Up a Woman Is Never OK'

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, February 22, 2012 | , ,

At her concert in Amherst, Massachusetts Thursday, Miranda Lambert took the opportunity to speak her mind over the recent press Chris Brown has been receiving, that's been more positive when compared to the past three years.

"I just have to speak my mind, because where I come from,
beating up on a woman is never OK. So that's why my daddy taught me early on in life how to use a shotgun," she told the cheering audience.

In 2009, Brown assaulted then-girlfriend Rihanna just before that year's Grammy Awards. He later pleaded guilty to felony charge and was sentenced to five years probation. (On Feb. 20, the pair released a collaboration for her song, "Birthday Cake," while rumors continued to swirl that they've been secretly hooking up.)

During her July 2011 Behind the Music special, Lambert, who married Shelton in 2011, revealed that her family took in battered women when she was a child. Seeing it all up close, she knows the pain of physical abuse.

So after Brown, 23, went home with a Grammy Award for Best R&B Album and performed twice at the 2012 Grammys Feb. 12, Lambert, 28, took to her Twitter to express her thoughts.

"Chris Brown twice? I don't get it. He beat on a girl...Not cool that we act like that didn't happen. He needs to listen to "Gunpowder and Lead" and be put back in his place. Not at the Grammys," she posted over multiple tweets.

PHOTOS: Stars who survived abuse

A few days later, Brown responded, tweeting, "Using my name to get publicity? I love it! Perform your heart out! Go buy Miranda Lambert album! So motivational and 'PERFECT'!"

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