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Selena Gomez Debuts New Heart Tattoo

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Friday, February 24, 2012 | , ,


Some people wear their hearts on their sleeves. Selena Gomez clearly prefers the wrist.

Justin Bieber's ink-loving ways are clearly rubbing off on his girlfriend, as the singer proudly posed alongside her tattooist this week, showing off her first ever (well, that we know of) tat: a delicate heart on her right wrist.

Seems like someone's got love on the brain! Er, arm.

So, did she take it like a trooper?

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You bet!

Selena stopped by Hollywood's Under the Gun tattoo shop yesterday where she made the heart (which she's toyed with before, albeit a temporary marker version) permanent.

"She got a heart under her wrist," tattooist Jordan Sandoval tweeted alongside the picture. "She was excited...she wasn't nervous. She is way cute."

Sandoval said that Gomez didn't explain any hidden meaning behind the heart, but that she "took it like a champ."

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