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Selena Gomez Is 'Twirly' for 'New Girl' Star Zooey Deschanel

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, February 21, 2012 | , ,


Join the club, Selena Gomez! The 19-year-old singer made a confession on her Twitter today that she officially has her first girl crush.

Let's just say, Selena definitely isn't the only one crushing on this star so she better get in line!

"My current girl crush.. Well I've never had one before so she's my first. #Twirly #NewGirl !!!!!" Selena wrote about New Girl star Zooey Deschanel.

Selena also Tweeted a photo of herself reading Zooey's issue of Allure to prove she's a true fan. And it looks like Selena really is a big fan of the show since she used the hashtag "#Twirly."

In last week's episode, Jess decided to hunt for a man on Valentine's Day because she was "feeling pretty twirly" aka horny.

"I've got the dirty twirl, Schmidty," Jess announced.

And Selena's crush confession didn't go unnoticed by Zooey.

"I'm honored!" she wrote back to Selena's Tweet.

Watch Zooey explain what "Twirly" means in the hilarious clip below.


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