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Jennifer Aniston Doesn't 'Give A Crap What Other People Think'

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, March 1, 2012 | , ,

We've been trying to get Jennifer Aniston married and pregnant for years now. I mean, we've done everything but pin her down and put a Vera Wang wedding veil on her face.

The actress says it's “very narrow-minded” for people to assume that she's unhappy without having a baby to take care of. I guess somehow, Jennifer finds happiness even without wiping an ass, getting baby vomit all over her and sleeping more than three hours a night. I don't know how she does it.

Aniston told CBS This Morning:
"[Having a baby] doesn't measure the level of my happiness or my success in my life, in my achievements, in any of that."

The actress added that she also doesn't give “a crap what other people think,” and says she's happier “than I've ever been.”

One can only assume she's referring to life with her partner in crime, Justin Theroux.

“I feel great,” Aniston told host Gayle King. "I feel like I'm 30. I honestly didn't start to feel my best until was in my 30s. Physically, I started eating better and taking better care of my body, in terms of being physical and exercise."

Aniston added: "I think it's important every year to celebrate your birthday and be excited about it. I'm 43 and it's great!”

No baby for Jen, but she did adopt a dog recently. And hey, that's close enough.

"We were [at the shelter] for three hours,” Jen said, regarding picking out the pup. “I was almost walking out with three puppies.”


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