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Kim Kardashian Wears No Makeup, Bra In Twitter Picture (PHOTO)

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, February 29, 2012 | , ,

Kim Kardashian, who we usually see out and about looking like she's fresh from a photo shoot, decided to ditch her makeup and fancy clothes for a clean face and sweats on Twitter Monday night.
"Sweatpants hair tie chillin with no make up on," she tweeted, quoting Drake's "Best I Ever Had," along with an Instagram photo of herself wearing just sweatpants and a bra.
While Monday night showed a more casual side of Kardashian, Sunday night was a much different
 story. The reality star, along with her pregnant sister Kourtney, got glammed up for the 20th annual Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards viewing party.
Check out Kardashian's photo below

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