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Natalie Portman: Square One Ring-Wearing Woman

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, March 1, 2012 | , ,

Natalie Portman-Square-One-Ring-Wearing-Woman

She's had people curious over her marital state these days, and Natalie Portman was spotted feeding the meter in Los Angeles on Wednesday afternoon (February 29).

The Oscar-winning actress was looking chic, wearing a long trench coat with jeans and black heels as she toted papers in-hand while en route to a business meeting at Square One Dining.

Meanwhile, the major focal point was once again the jewelry adorning that all-important finger - as a rep for Jamie Wolf wedding rings confirmed having put together the marital bands for Portman and her babydaddy Benjamin Millepied.

“As with the engagement ring she designed for Natalie, Wolf created the eco-friendly rings with recycled platinum and conflict-free diamonds,” the rep told.

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