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Andy Griffith Dies at 86

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, July 4, 2012 | ,


Andy Griffith died at the age of 86. Griffith was best known as Sheriff Andy Taylor of TV’s ‘The Andy Griffith Show’ and dramatic defense attorney on ‘Matlock’. Griffith also starred in the searing look at a media personality, ‘A Face in the Crowd’.

In May, when his costar George Lindsey died, Griffith said: “Our last conversation was a few days ago. We would talk about our health, how much we missed our friends who passed before us and usually about something funny. I am happy to say that as we found ourselves in our 80s, we were not afraid to say, ‘I love you’. That was the last thing George and I had to say to each other. ‘I love you’”.

Wonderful! Life brings us wisdom. Unfortunately too late to enjoy it with a clam heart.

Griffith is survived by his third wife, Cindi and two daughters by his first wife Barbara Edwards.

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