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Chris Brown Tweets About Rihanna's Grandmother's Death

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, July 3, 2012 | , , ,


Chris Brown showed his support for his ex-girlfriend Rihanna, after the singer recently lost her grandmother, Clara "Dolly" Braithwaite, to cancer.

Brown took to his Twitter account on Sunday to express his condolences prior to his appearance at the 2012 BET Awards.

    "Praying for family and the lost loved one. She was like my grandmother. Love you GRAN GRAN! RIP
    — Chris Brown(@chrisbrown) July 1, 2012"

Brown was among the many winners, including Beyoncé, Kanye West and Jay-Z, at Sunday’s awards ceremony, taking home the Fandemonium and Best Male R&B Artist award.

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