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Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe: I'm G*y

By Unknown | 1 Comments | Monday, July 9, 2012 | , ,


Set to play with the U.S. Women's soccer team in the London Summer Olympics later this month, the midfielder, 27, tells Out Magazine: "For the record, I'm g*y."

The blonde Redding, Calif. native explained that she had not been hiding her s*xuality, but was never directly asked by reporters about her s*xual preference. "I feel like sports in general are still h*mophobic, in the sense that not a lot of people are out . . . I feel everyone is really craving [for] people to come out. People want -- they need -- to see that there are people like me playing soccer for the good ol' U.S. of A."

Indeed, in a recent chat with Us Weekly, Rapinoe spoke about her long-distance relationship with girlfriend Sarah, whom she described as "an athlete" who lives in Australia. "She's great!"

Of her first turn at the Olympics, Rapino admitted to Us she grew up "totally obsessed" with the Games. "And I still am totally obsessed with the Olympics -- I love it, everything around it, . . . to have the opportunity to be a part of that, to represent your country is just amazing. It's pretty amazing to have one of your childhood dreams come true."

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