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Tom, Katie Divorce: Lawyers Negotiating a Settlement

By Unknown | 1 Comments | Monday, July 9, 2012 | , , ,


Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are expecting their lawyers to negotiate a full divorce settlement. According to TMZ, Tom or Katie have no plan on going to court and there will be no court hearing as long as their lawyers are negotiating a settlement.

The lawyers are negotiating child custody, visitation, child support and a property settlement.
In case the negotiations go well, the settlement could be ratified in New York. That means, Tom may not move the case to California, where judges are more likely to award joint custody.

TMZ reports that, so far, the state of the negotiations is “calm”.

Katie Holmes filed for divorce from Tom Cruise on June 28. They have been married for five years. Katie and Tom rae parents to 6-year-old daughter Suri.

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