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Watch: Arnold Schwarzenegger's 'The Last Stand' Movie Trailer

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Friday, August 17, 2012 | , ,


Arnold Schwarzenegger will hits the big screen again in “The Last Stand.”

New Line Cinemas released a new trailer for the action-packed flick on Wednesday. It shows the 65-year-
old actor alongside Zach Gilford, Forest Whitaker, Luis Guzman, Rodrigo Santoro, Johnny Knoxville, Jaimie Alexander, Eduardo Noriega, Peter Stormare, Harry Dean Stanton and Genesis Rodriguez.

The Kim Jee-Woon directed film follows the “Terminator” star portraying a small town sheriff trying to stop some well-armed drug cartel men.

You can catch “The Last Stand” in theaters on January 18. For now, 

Watch the trailer below!

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