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Arnold Schwarzenegger Baby Mama’s Revealed

By Unknown | 1 Comments | Thursday, May 19, 2011 | ,

As more details unravel about the love child between Arnold Schwarzenegger and his former housekeeper, photos are emerging of the previously unidentified woman. Meet Mildred Patricia Baena, the 50-year-old former mistress!

TMZ reports the mother, who goes by Patty, was a housekeeper and assistant for the family for over twenty years. Among her responsibilities? Cleaning, doing laundry, cooking and various other household chores. In fact, she began to “pursue Arnold,” as per sources who dished to TMZ.

Not only did she pursue him, she also slept with him several times during the day in the house! She didn’t come clean to Arnold about being the father until her son was a toddler. Actually, TMZ obtained photos of the son who supposedly bears a striking resemblance to the former governor, especially in the mouth and teeth. The site decided to not reveal the boy’s identity who is now either 10 or 11.

After discovering his paternity news, Arnold treated her well as sources indicated he was “generous.” As for Patty who previously earned $1,200 each week from Arnold, well, she’s retired now and lives in a four-bedroom house with a pool. She lives outside of L.A. with her son and three other children.

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1 comments for "Arnold Schwarzenegger Baby Mama’s Revealed"

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May 19, 2011 at 3:56 PM

We in Western societies obviously have not been approaching this marital fidelity issue in the right way for the past 100 considering the fact that so many of our political and societal leaders, including Woodrow Wilson, FDR, John Kennedy, Bill Clinton, MLK, Gary Hart, John Edwards, Albert Einstein, John Ensign, Mark Sanford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Joseph Kennedy, William Randolph Hearst, Newt Gingrich, Jesse Jackson, Bill Cosby, Elliot Spitzer, Tiger Woods, et. al., have been participants in extramarital affairs. Perhaps we ought to find another solution other than whatever we have been doing for the past 100 years.

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