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Arnold Schwarzenegger Meets His Love Child in ‘Conan’ Video

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, May 19, 2011 | ,

Conan O’Brien obtained “exclusive footage” of Arnold Schwarzenegger meeting his secret love children and shared it on Conan last night.

Unfortunately it’s just a spoof from Arnold’s movie, Junior, but it’s very entertaining!

“Breaking story!” Conan announced on his show. “They have footage, apparently, I am being told, from the very moment 10 years ago when Arnold found how he was a new father.”

Arnold revealed yesterday that he had a child with one of his former household staffers, allegedly Mildred “Patty” Baena, while he was still married to Maria Shriver. Arnold had been keeping the baby a secret for over a decade.

“This is incredible,” Conan said. “Let’s check it out.”

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