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Beyonce Surprises Middle School Dance Group (VIDEO)

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, May 5, 2011 | , ,

Last week, not many teens could say they've danced side-by-side with Beyonce. Now, thanks to the pop star's surprise visit to a Harlem middle school on Tuesday, a group of girls have a memory to last a lifetime.

A dance group at Harlem's PS 161 Pedro Albizu Campos Middle School was performing a routine to Beyonce's 'Move Your Body/Get Me Bodied' Monday afternoon. When singer herself joined the group mid-dance, the surprised girls squealed with delight, but didn't miss a beat.

According beverage company WAT-AHH, Beyonce's surprise visit is part of a partnership with WAH-TAHH and NAB Education Foundation for the 'Let's Move! Flash Workout' event dedicated to fighting childhood obesity.

Watch Beyonce surprise the dance group and join the routine (around the 1:30 mark).

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