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Katherine Schwarzenegger Speaks Out: This Is Definitely Not Easy

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, May 19, 2011 | ,

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver have made statements expressing their wish to leave their children out of their recent scandal, but it seems their children are using Twitter to speak out for themselves.

Katherine Schwarzenegger, Arnold and Maria’s oldest child, Tweeted a message apparently about her father’s confession that he had a baby more than a decade ago with their former household staffer.

“This is definitely not easy but I appreciate your love and support as i begin to heal and move forward in life,” she reportedly wrote. “I will always love my family!”

And Katherine also re-Tweeted saying from The Notebook‘s Twitter that also seems to do with the recent drama her family is involved in.

“Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn’t change anything. It messes with your mind and steals your happiness.”

And Katherine isn’t the only Schwarzenegger child who has been Tweeted about the scandal.

Patrick Schwarzenegger also Tweeted a message saying he is standing by his family.

“Some days you feel like s***, some days you want to quit and just be normal for a bit,” Patrick Tweeted on Tuesday. “Yet I love my family till death do us apart. #family.”

Despite their father’s alleged affair with Mildred Baena and having a child with her, it seems his children with Maria are standing by him.

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