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Kevin Federline Packs on the Pregnancy Pounds (Photos)

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, May 25, 2011 | ,

Kevin Federline and his very pregnant girlfriend, Victoria Prince, headed out to the ball field Monday and we can't help but notice how these two are starting to look a little, err, shall we say ... similar?

Prince and Federline announced they were bringing the fifth Federline into the world back in March and it seems the pair have been collectively eating for two.

Once an uber-fit dancer, Federline packed on the post-marriage pounds after his split with ex-wife Britney Spears and begrudgingly became known as 'K-Fat.' He joined the 7th season of 'Celebrity Fit Club' and dropped back down to the slimmer K-Fed that exploded onto the scene as the man who married, and impregnated the famed pop star.

Federline was tipping the scales at 232 lbs. when he started 'Fit Club' and was quoted as saying, "I look like a pregnant man right now." He had one of the most notable and successful transformations that season, but it looks like the father of five has ballooned back up.

Federline spends his time coaching son Sean's baseball team, where the family was photographed here. On occasion, Spears has even been spotted sitting in the stands with beau Jason Trawick.

Prince is due with their new baby girl this summer, rounding out Federline's baby total to 5.

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