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Lady Gaga Penned 'Fashion' Song In Memory of Alexander McQueen

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, May 26, 2011 | , ,

Lady Gaga revealed that one of the tracks on her new 'Born This Way' album is about the late, legendary fashion designer Alexander McQueen.

Gaga was deeply affected by McQueen's tragic death and her song 'Fashion of His Love' her personal tribute to the couturier.

Gaga posted a note on her Twitter page saying, "Fashion Of His Love is about Alexander McQueen." McQueen committed suicide by hanging on February 11, 2010 -- news that shook the fashion and entertainment industry to its core.

That same month, Gaga performed at the 2010 Brit Awards wearing one of McQueen's couture creations (pictured here) and honored her friend saying, "This is for Alexander McQueen." She also commemorated McQueen after accepting her awards that night.

From the red carpet to her music videos and live performances, Gaga has made McQueen's creations a staple in her high fashion wardrobe. In addition to dedicating 'Fashion of His Love' to McQueen, Gaga released her new lead single 'Born This Way' on February 11 2011, exactly one year after the designer's death.

Listen to Lady Gaga's 'Fashion of His Love.'

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