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Lady Gaga Talks About Being Bullied at School on 'The View' (Video)

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, May 24, 2011 | , ,

Lady Gaga said today on 'The View' that she was bullied at school as a kid, even though she had a "nice group of friends." It was an experience that has stuck with her as an adult, influenced her
decisions and her self-esteem, and even had an effect on how she communicated with her fans.

"I don't think I realized how deeply it affected me until I started to become more successful," said Gaga. "And suddenly there's lots of pressure and I had to be a role model and look inside myself and say, well, what do I have to offer?"

Gaga said she felt like she didn't have much to offer for a long time, and she recognizes that some of her fans are having similar struggles. In the music, she said, both Gaga and her fans "find liberation from our challenges and our identity struggles." In her previous identity, Gaga would not have been able to wear 10-inch platform shoes. Now the only problem is not falling.

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