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Photo : Rihanna Gets Down With Ciroc Boyz DJ Prostyle in NYC

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Saturday, May 7, 2011 | , ,


Rihanna is on the market and working her single status! The fiery redhead was spotted sharing the dance floor with Ciroc Boyz DJ Prostyle at an NYC hotspot earlier this week!

The duo reportedly danced “till the lights came up at 4 a.m.,” at La Vie nightclub on Wednesday, the New York Post reports, and declined a VIP table so they could work it on the dance floor.

“They looked pretty cozy and left together,” a source told the NYP.

DJ Prostyle of the Ciroc Boyz has been busy on his seven-day, seven-night birthday parties circuit, and at the latest party he hosted, RiRi showed up to hang out with him and have a special Ciroc toast!

The DJ was so pumped about Rihanna’s companionship he even Tweeted about it!

“Me and my girl @Rihanna in the club chilling,” he Tweeted along with a picture. “Still toasting with my girl Ri Ri @rihanna !!”


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