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Pink Angered Over Selena Gomez's Pastel Ponies

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Saturday, May 21, 2011 | , ,


Selena Gomez is the one Disney starlet who's managed to stay out of the controversial spotlight but her latest music video shoot has another pop star seeing red.

Gomez was shooting the music video for her latest single, 'Love You Like a Love Song' yesterday alongside some not so natural co-stars -- pink tinted horses. But what girl wouldn't want a pink pony? Well, there's at least one chick who's speaking out about the equine issue.

"If there are any animal activists around Malibu- at Leo Cabrillo State beach, there are horses being painted for a stupid music video. Shame," singer, Pink, tweeted yesterday.

Although we doubt Gomez's camp crossed any animal rights boundaries, we can see why Pink would be concerned when it came to the pastel ponies. But according to E! Online, as long as the horses are painted using nontoxic products and are allergy tested before application, the American Humane Society sees nothing wrong with giving the four-legged friends a makeover.

"Artists should be more aware and responsible for their actions," Pink continued to tweet.

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