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Rebecca Black: 'I'm Absolutely Not Pregnant'

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, May 16, 2011 | , ,

Rebecca Black-I'm-Absolutely-Not-Pregnant

YouTube sensation and 'Friday' singer Rebecca Black is in the news again thanks to a nasty pregnancy rumor that spread like wildfire over the weekend.

However, the 13-year-old singer set the record straight on Twitter Sunday.

"I thought it was May 15th...not April Fools Day. I'm absolutely NOT pregnant," Black tweeted, putting to rest the unsettling rumors.

Just like the music video for her song 'Friday,' the pregnancy rumor went viral thanks to social media. The story caught people's attention on Twitter, just like so many of those celebrity death hoaxes that pop up every now and then.

According to E! Online, a CNN iReport picked up the bogus Black story, which was when then the rumor began to spiral out of control.

However, now that Black has promptly denied any claim that she's pregnant, she can keep on singing that song that made her famous in the first place, which now has racked up over 140 million YouTube views since February.

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