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Watch Chris Brown 'Dougie' In Memory of Cali Swag District’s Montae Talbert

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, May 16, 2011 | , ,

It seems like fans are finding ways to remember Cali Swag District’s Montae Talbert after his murder Sunday night by watching Chris Brown dance to “Teach Me How to Dougie” on YouTube.

According to Radar Online, the video of Chris has hit 13.3 million viewers following Montae’s death.

Montae, aka M-Bone, was reportedly gunned down in Inglewood, Calif. outside a liquor store while he was in his car. A suspect for his murder has not yet been found.

Fans are flocking to YouTube to watch videos of M-Bone hit song, “Teach Me How to Dougie” and Chris’ in particular has been very popular.

Watch the video below

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