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Watch ‘Conan The Barbarian’ Trailer Starring a Shirtless Jason Momoa

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, May 5, 2011 | , , ,

Some fans were hoping for Kellan Lutz to take the leading role in Conan The Barbarian, but from the looks of the new trailer starring Jason Momoa, they won’t be disappointed!

Jason, star of HBO’s Game of Thrones and Lisa Bonet’s baby daddy, transforms into a sexy, shirtless barbarian who battles Khalar Zym (Stephen Lang) in this new film.

According to E! News, Conan The Barbarian will hit theaters Aug. 19.

The original version of the film launched Arnold Schwarzenegger’s career in 1982. Do you think it will do the same for Jason?

Watch the trailer, below!

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