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Watch Rebecca Black Welcome Osama Bin Laden to Hell With “Friday” in ‘Jimmy Kimmel’ Spoof

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, May 4, 2011 | , ,

Rebecca-Black-Welcome-Osama-Bin-Laden-to-Hell-With-Friday-in-Jimmy Kimmel-Spoof

News about Rebecca Black may have slowed, but Jimmy Kimmel has just brought the 13-year-old viral-video sensation back to life, in the context of Osama bin Laden’s death.
“My wonder is what has become of his [Osama] soul?” Jimmy questioned during his opening monologue on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, before revealing a cover of Rebecca’s viral “Friday” (which currently has 128,982,061 views) in his Osama spoof, “Hell-o from Hell.”

The animated parody features Osama in his “bedroom” in hell with a woman in a burka lying next to him.

When the burka is removed, her identity is revealed to be none other than Rebecca, who sings a special version of “Friday” to the deceased terrorist — whose death by U.S. forces was confirmed Sunday by President Barack Obama.

What are some of the lyrics to the latest “Friday” parody?

“Hitler in the front seat, Saddam in the back seat” and “it’s Friday, Friday, fry in Hell on Friday!” followed by “partying, partying, YEAH!” and “suffering, suffering, NO!”

Catch the spoof in the clip below! 

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