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Gwyneth Paltrow Gives Her Take on 'Homosexuality in the Bible'

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Saturday, June 11, 2011 | ,

Gwyneth Paltrow took on the controversial topic of homosexuality and the Bible head on when she wrote a post on her GOOP newsletter titled 'Homosexuality in the Bible'.

In the post Paltrow says, "A few months ago, in the heat of the tragic teen suicides that came about from intolerance of homosexuality, I saw a man on television who was apologizing for wishing death on gays from his facebook page. This member of an Arkansas school board was contrite for the violence in his words, but maintained that his values pertaining to homosexuality would remain, as he felt homosexuality was condemned in the bible."

She continues, "This concept, while foreign to me, is interesting, as it used to justify so much judgement and separation in our society. When my daughter came home from school one day saying that a classmate had two mommies, my response was, "Two mommies? How lucky is she?!"

The 38-year-old actress and singer then asks, "What does it actually say in the bible that will cause some people to be upset by my line of thinking?"

Paltrow concludes by saying, "Happy pride. Love, gp"

E! Online is also reporting that the Oscar-winning actress also includes a couple of pro-gay writings from Episcopal priests as well as one from Kabbalah guru Michael Berg.

Paltrow also posted an argumentative piece against homosexuality from Dr. John Stott of All Souls Church in London. She also added a note before the piece which said, "We wanted as many perspectives as possible on this issue and so we are also including a more conservative voice here below."

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