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Adele, Boyfriend Simon Konecki Step Out For Grammys (PHOTO)

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | , ,

Adele took home six Grammys Sunday night for songs she wrote about an ex-boyfriend, but these days there's a new love in her life. The British soul singer made her first public appearance with
boyfriend Simon Konecki at the Grammys, where the pair sat side-by-side during the star-studded show.

The shy couple was spotted on holiday in Florida last month, and everyone was wondering who the Brit's new beau was. Konecki, it turns out, has been in Adele's life since last summer. He's a former financier behind Life Water and heads the water charity Drop4Drop, according to People.

However, when rumors started swirling that Konecki was a married man, Adele took to her blog to pen a rare post about her personal life in January.

"Contrary to reports and headlines in the press ... Simon is divorced and has been for 4 years," she wrote. "Everyone in our lives separately and together wish us nothing but the best, and vice versa."

Though things seems just fine between the couple, Konecki better watch his back -- we all know how Adele can turn heartbreak into a hit record. However, in Vogue's March 2012 issue, the British singer said she won't write a breakup record again and she's "done being a bitter witch."

Who knows? Maybe we'll be hearing some happy tunes from Adele on her next record.

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