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Britney Spears And Fergie Both Eyeing An X Factor Judging Gig

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, February 23, 2012 | , ,

Britney Spears and Fergie are allegedly going head-to-head! They might be facing off in a bid to join The X Factor, rather than competing in some kind of fabulous Beyond The Thunderdome dance-off like we’d prefer, but still! We’ll take it. Us Weekly reports that the Black Eyed Peas chanteuse and the Criminal singer are both vying for a spot at the judges
table alongside Simon Cowell and L.A. Reid. Does that mean Beyonce won’t be getting $500 million to join the panel? Or is Simon just going to take out a personal loan from the World Bank to hire all of the divas? Honestly, it would not surprise us.

Our two cents? Fergie and Britney Spears would both be excellent judges; combined, they have about 50 years of show business experience. If other rumored candidates like Janet Jackson or Bey join the judging panel, however, we’re going to have to go with Fergie. We need someone to balance out those sweethearts, and we can tell there would be a little more bite in Fergie Ferg’s comments. Or at least more backflips. Which is basically the same thing.

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