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David Beckham: Prince William oozes charm and has the charisma of a king

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, February 20, 2012 | , ,

David Beckham has been friends with Prince William since they joined forces to try and secure the 2018 World Cup.

He and wife Victoria were invited to the Royal Wedding last April and it seems David, 36, has nothing but praise for his 29-year-old pal.

'For a person of such a young age he has an aura,' says David.

'He's got the charisma of a king. He walks into a room, and everyone knows he's there.

'Not because he walks in shouting about it, but because he oozes that charm.'

And David isn't the only person in his family who's a big fan of the Duke of Cambridge.

His mum Sandra excitedly watched as the pair made their England bid for the football tournament - which they ultimately lost to Russia - live on TV in 2010.

'My mum texted me,' David tells Telegraph Magazine.

'She said: "I can't believe that you are sat between the PM and the future King of England."'


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