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Did Justin Bieber Give Selena Gomez A Promise Ring?

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | , , ,


Did Selena Gomez get an early Valentine's Day gift from Justin Bieber?

The 19-year-old singer and actress posted a photo of a sparking ring with a diamond-encrusted "J" on Feb. 12, writing: "I'm finally home :)"

Back from her latest show in Montevideo, Uruguay, Gomez just wrapped up a world tour that began in July and announced she was taking a break from music to focus on her acting career.

The photo of the ring comes with no real explanation, but we have a hunch the "J" is for Justin. Bieber may turn 18 next month, but it's highly unlikely he proposed to Gomez with that sparkler.

Selena should be careful how she wears her jewelry, since it has been known to start rumors. In December, Gomez was spotted wearing a different ring while on a trip to Mexico, but her rep quickly quashed the rumors that there were any upcoming nuptials. 


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