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Jay-Z And Beyonce Want To Trademark 'Blue Ivy Carter'

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, February 9, 2012 | , , ,

If you want to try and market that Blue Ivy energy drink, you better do it fast, because Beyonce and Jay-Z are taking steps to trademark their daughters name. According to the L.A. Times, the
super-parents have already filled out an application at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to copyright their daughter’s distinctive moniker. The couple want to have the exclusive rights to the name, in hopes of launching a brand of baby products in the near future. Apparently the patent office has been flooded with “Blue Ivy”-themed applications since the baby’s birth on January 7th. Rolling Stone reports that a fashion designer tried to trademark “Blue Ivy Carter NYC”, and another wannabe entrepreneur attempted to snag “Blue Ivy Carter Glory IV” to use for a brand of perfume. Both of these requests have been denied, along with all others so far. But we have a funny feeling that Bey and Jay are likely going to be the exception!

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