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Kate Walsh Poses Nude On Shape Magazine Cover (PHOTO)

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, February 23, 2012 | ,

Kate Walsh may be 44 years old, but she's not afraid to show some serious skin. In fact, the "Private Practice" star leaves little to the imagination on the cover of Shape magazine's March issue.

"Right now, I feel really healthy, confident, and sexy," she said about her decision to pose nude
for the cover. "I’m enjoying my 40s and wanted to share that. Is it a mid-life crisis? I do drive a Porsche, so maybe it is!"

Although she plays a doctor on TV and finds herself working with faux plastic surgeons on the small screen, don't think Walsh is ready to go under the knife in reality any time soon.

"Everyone has her line in the sand. I draw mine at facials and laser treatments," she said. "But if others want to go a step further, it's their call."

Plastic surgery may not be her thing, but creating fragrances is definitely something Walsh has taken an interest in. She introduced the follow up to her "Boyfriend" scent -- "Billionaire Boyfriend" -- in January.

For more, head over to Shape, and don't miss the March issue, on newsstands February 27.

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