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Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush Reconciliation Rumors Heat Up

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, February 15, 2012 | , ,

They were spotted on a lunch date over the weekend, and now new reports are filtering in that claim Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush really might be running back their relationship in the near future.

"They don't know what will happen," a source tells People. "They're taking it slow. They love each other so much and miss each other, but their relationship is so complicated."

Sexy Kim and Reggie Pic

Kardashian and Bush split in 2010, but rumors have abounded ever since that they could have a future together. And it helps that Reggie now plays for the Dolphins, a team based in Kim's second home.

Of course, if Bush really does intend to pursue the reality star again, he'll have to confront step-dad Bruce Jenner, who told Ellen DeGeneres this week any future suitor will have to go through him to get to Kim.

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