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Lady Gaga not planning for a baby with boyfriend Taylor Kinney

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, February 23, 2012 | , ,

Reports claim she told friends and family she will be pregnant within a year.

Lady Gaga may have been dating actor Taylor Kinney for a year but the singer has no plans for a baby and her representative has come forward to dismiss reports that she wants to become a mum.

Gossip report the headline for Star magazine screams ‘A Baby For Gaga!’ and the tabloid claims the couple are planning for their future.

The magazine says the singer “knows that Taylor is The One, and she wants children with him as soon as possible,” and that the couple is “already plotting out their life together.”

According to a supposed pal of the 'Born This Way' hitmaker “she’s told her friends and family that it’s going to happen within a year. She’s been thinking of baby names but is keeping them a secret.”

Lady Gaga allegedly even “brags to everyone about how beautiful their children will be because Taylor is so gorgeous.”

A representative for the singer simply states the story is “untrue.”


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