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Pregnant Kourtney Kardashian Is Having a Girl

By Unknown | 1 Comments | Wednesday, February 22, 2012 | ,

Get ready for another Kardashian girl!

Pregnant with her second child, Kourtney Kardashian is going to have a daughter, she told E! News Wednesday. Due this spring, the baby-to-be will join big brother Mason, the 32
-year-old reality star's son with beau Scott Disick.

"We feel so blessed to be having a little girl and to be able to share this new experience with Mason," Kardashian told E!

Kardashian and Disick, 28, first broke news of their pregnancy with Us Weekly last November.

Gushed her sister Kim: "I am so excited for Kourt and Scott...Mason is the best baby ever and I can't wait to be an aunt again!"

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