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Rihanna Tells Fergie: You Look Like A Black Girl From The Back!

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, February 13, 2012 | , ,

Rihanna-Tells-Fergie-You-Look-Like-A-Black-Girl-From-The Back

Here it is: Our favorite moment from the Grammys red carpet. While interviewing Fergie (whose lady-lump-hugging orange couture Jean Paul Gaultier gown had everyone scratching their head), our correspondent Janell Snowden grabbed Rihanna — who was breathtaking in her slinky, black
Armani — as she walked by. The two singers then had an adorable reunion — the friends were both collaborators on Kanye’s Grammy-nominated “All of the Lights” — that culminated in Rihanna complimenting the Black Eyed Pea on her booty.

“You look like a black girl from the back!” Riri gushed as Fergie giggled, “I’m trying!”

“You need to try and give me that dress!” Rihanna shot back. Come to think of it, that gown would probably look good on her.

How cute are these two? For a night that was overshadowed by Whitney Houston’s tragic passing, their exchange was a welcome light moment.

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