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Robin Thicke Arrested, R&B Singer Busted In New York City With Marijuana

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, February 20, 2012 | ,

NEW YORK Police say R&B singer-songwriter Robin Thicke has been arrested on a minor drug charge in New York City.

The 34-year-old is the son of Alan Thicke, who played patriarch Jason Seaver on the long-running ABC sitcom "Growing Pains." He was arrested early Friday afternoon in Manhattan near Madison Square Park. Police say he was pulled over and they saw a joint
inside his black SUV. He was given a desk appearance ticket and released.

His publicist had no comment.

Thicke has written and produced songs for Michael Jackson, Christina Aguilera and others. He also began recording songs himself, and his 2009 hit "Sex Therapy" was at the top of the R&B charts. His fifth album, Love After War, was released in December.

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