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Bobbi Kristina Brown: Engaged to Pseudo Step Brother

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Friday, March 16, 2012 | ,

Bobbi Kristina Brown and Nick Gordon are heating up their relationship, and they don't care what anyone thinks about it.

The 19-year old daughter of Whitney Houston went public this week with the fact that she's dating Gordon, a 22-year old who her mother took in many years ago and raised as her own child.

Since then, the pair has been spotted in public kissing and holding hands, with a source telling Us Weekly Bobbi and Nick are residing in a house in Atlanta - and are engaged!

Bobbi Kristina Photo

"The situation is beyond sad," this insider says of Brown and Gordon. "Whitney never formally adopted Nick, but he lived with her and Bobbi Kristina from the age of twelve and they were raised like brother and sister. Nick came from a really bad background."

This mole adds that Bobbi is open about the engagement, showing off a huge diamond ring to friends and saying it formally belonged to her mother.

If she and Nick truly do go through with a marriage, it will be met with opposition from family members. Cissy Houston reportedly came out this week and labeled the relationship "incestuous."

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