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Celine Dion buys sandwich shop

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | , ,

Celine Dion has bought a sandwich shop.

The 'My Heart Will Go On' singer and her husband Rene Angelil are now the proud owners of Montreal's famous Schwartz's store, which was founded in 1928.

The shop has become a landmark for locals and tourists alike and as well as its amazing sandwiches, it is also famed for its timeless decor.

Rene said: "I have so many great memories of being there with the guys, and with Celine and our families throughout the years. It's the most unique restaurant in the world and we're thrilled to be a part of it."

The Canadian couple - who have three children together - have also partnered with a chain of 1950s diners in Montreal.

They hope to maintain the authenticity of the restaurants and only make necessary improvements.

Celine - who has sold millions of albums worldwide - recently said she felt fortunate to be in such a position to be able to make purchases like this.

She said: "My fans bought me my house. They bought my records ... I'm very fortunate, and people have bought my albums year after year, and they come to see the shows, and it's expensive, and they still come."

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