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Deena on Snooki Pregnancy: Crazy, But Awesome

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Sunday, March 11, 2012 | , ,


Only 19 percent of respondents in THG's poll (below) feel that pregnant Snooki, who finally confirmed that she is with child this week, will be a good mom.

Deena Nicole Cortese would count herself among that minority.

"I was surprised, because that's my little Meatball!" said her Jersey Shore co-star and BFF to Andy Cohen on Bravo's Watch What Happens Live.

But she's thrilled for Snook - and optimistic.

Deena Cortese on Watch What Happens Liveplay
Deena Cortese on Watch What Happens Live

"She's very genuine, she's very good-hearted, I can actually see her as a mother figure … crazy, I know, but she's going to be a good mom!"

We'll have to wait and see, but here's hoping. As for whether Deena herself has tapped that pregnant ass (remember their epic makeout session)?

"I didn't do sex … we cuddled," said Deena, who admitted she doesn't even know why she's the only person on Planet Earth who says "do sex."

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