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George Clooney on His Arrest: It’s on My Permanent Record

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Saturday, March 17, 2012 | ,

Add George Clooney to the long list of celebrities with mug shots, but at least his arrest was for a good cause.

Clooney was arrested outside the Sudan Embassy in Washington earlier today and was just recently released after paying $100 bail.

“It’s on my permanent record,” Clooney told reporters of the incident. “And you know that picture’s going to be all over everything.”

He made light of the arrest but then added: “Listen, what we've been trying to achieve today is we're trying to bring attention to an ongoing emergency."

George was arrested alongside his father, Nick Clooney, after protesting the Sudanese government’s cruelty toward South Sudan. Basically, Sudan's president, Omar al-Bashir, won’t allow any food and aid to get to those people, so they’re suffering and dying.

“The real danger of course is there are people dying everyday there, tens of thousands of people are going to die of starvation. That's man-made. This isn't a famine, this is a man-made tragedy. Our job right now is to try to bring attention to it, and one of those ways was, apparently, get arrested.”

78 year-old Nick Clooney joked: “I guess we’re not allowed to hang out at the Sudanese Embassy, I didn’t know that.”

George added: “I didn’t know that either.”

George admitted that he wasn’t really sure what his arrest would mean, he just hopes it’ll bring attention to the ongoing crisis in the African nation.

“You never know if you're going to accomplish anything, all we're trying to do is bring attention to a moment. We hope this brings attention to it." 

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