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Kris Humphries demands $7 million from Kim Kardashian

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, March 13, 2012 | , ,

Kris has not seen a penny of the money in their joint account.

Kris Humphries is reportedly demanding $7 million from Kim Kardashian to walk away from their marriage - though he claims he does not care about the money and wants an annulment.

TMZ report the NBA player has spoken out through his Minnesota lawyer - giving estranged wife Kim an ultimatum - either cough up the cash, or deal with a public trial.

Source revealed the 27-year-old star and his lawyer have been told that they can think again as the marriage lasted a  total of 72 days, so the community property would not be in the region of $7 millon.

Also there was no prenup provided so Kim technically owes Kris nothing.

Sources claim Kris raked in around $1 million from the wedding and the TV special that showcased the nuptials and Kris made off like a bandit because Kim ended up using a portion of what she got to pay for the ring.

Kris made somewhere between $250,000 and $300,000 from the Kardashian reality show.

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